Saturday, April 29, 2006


I met with my thesis adviser on Thursday. April 27, 2006.

It was a good meeting. Misunderstandings were cleared, and the lit review outline was approved.

So, my deadlines are now looming closer...

June 16, 2006 - Complete thesis proposal (1st Draft)

July 3 - 7, 2006 - Speakers planned

July 17, 2006 - Submit final thesis proposal to MG

August 4, 2006 - Complete changes/amendments to thesis proposal

August 11, 2006 - Plan thesis proposal defense date with all committee members

August 22, 2006 - Tentative Proposal Defense Date

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Meeting my thesis adviser

It's almost the end of the school year. About two weeks ago I submitted a rather lack-a-wanna concept map for her review.

P.S. Not to shield myself but this is my first concept map. I don't know what it's supposed to look like. Or what I'm supposed to do. I tried and I really put in effort. I spent so much time doing it, asking for other people's opinion. Just that maybe that was not what my prof expected. She said it looks "intriguing"... Anyway, I was glad that I started it and it made sense to me. And she was the one who suggested a longer meeting today to "work things out". So I'm quite happy that it started somewhere...

But then again, I don't think I prepared well for today's meeting at all. I'm so behind in my preparation...

Anyway, by God's grace, the meeting will turn out just fine and dandy.


Saturday, April 15, 2006

Concept Map

I just submitted my concept map yesterday to my adviser. I have not done a concept map before so it might not be what she hoped to see. But I pray for the best, that even though I'm ignorant, something good will come out of it. I hope to see some headway soon.

Due to massive eruption of school projects and assignments, the thesis is at "pause" mode. Will be resumed in due time... (read: 2 weeks)

Upcoming tasks:

Create a to-do list for the impending event (contact speakers and coordinator)

Write outline for Chapters 1, 2, and 3.