Friday, March 31, 2006


It's Friday March 31, 2006 at approximately 4:10pm.

I read an email from my grad chair confirming the fact that my application for the fellowship award has been APPROVED!

I am sooooo happy!!!!!!

Thank you Jesus!
Quick Quick!

Let me know the official result soon! It's getting too difficult to bear...

Give me the news NOW!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I am so happy!

The meeting, the one that I was having nightmares about, turned out to be so good!

He found the research problem challenging, but I misunderstood his meaning of challenging!

He meant it in a good way, that I'll be able to find out a lot with the question. And he has a good feeling about it.

You know what? It'll be a great thesis!

And.. And.. He likes the methodology!


Sunday, March 05, 2006

My Good Meetings

Praise the Lord. I have been blessed with great meetings and discussions with people that I meet. It is truly the grace of God.

So, I submitted my application. Old news. Hopefully, I'll get the research fellowship. (Pray...)
I will know by April 1st, 2006.

Last Friday I met with Dr K.B. from Physical Therapy. We spoke about event creation, timeline, (timing), her students and help from her department. You know what? It almost seemed too divine.

1. Her students are working on a project too in the facility and it is related to my area of study on learning experience. I can use the data they gathered and if I need, gain access to participants. *Hallelujah

2. End-October is the BEST time to launch my study, which happens to be after my HSR proposal deadline. So timing wise, perfect. I can submit HSR in early October, get approval in mid-October, launch campaign in end-October, recruit participants and start collecting data in November. Works fine!

3. She has agreed to give a talk, she will help me gain access to other speakers. Isn't she great! God-send!

I also spoke with another person, a person that I really admire, and she was totally in love with my topic area! I was really honored that all the people I met have only good things to say. And she even helped me spin this off into a new career path. I am seriously considering it. I really have a good vibe about my topic.

Now I need to get ready to meet my thesis adviser and committee members, all in this week!

And I need to start planning on my speakers' week: contacting stoke survivors, caregivers, phyisicians etc. And to contact the person-in-charge at the facility.
